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Yes, all carbs are.

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Q: Are instant noodles energy dense food?
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Related questions

What was the first instant food?

noodles was the first instant food

Is there Wax on instant noodles?

food poisened

Is noodle a junk food?

According to American researchers, noodles can be junk food when they are fried in oil or packaged. Fried noodles or Instant Noodles are said to have more calories and produce less nutrition.

Which is the best food group for giving us instant energy?

tell me the answer

The food which gives an athelete instant energy is.?

For instant energy, athletes use glucose which is a mono-saccharides unit of Carbohydrate

The instant variety of this food also known as ramen generally is called gakusei ryori in Japan meaning student cuisine What is it?


Has Japanese food influenced Australian eating patterns?

Japanese food has greatly influenced worldwide eating patterns. In Australia, sushi has become a very popular dish and Japanese instant noodles are readily available.

Why is noodles a popular food in Vietnam?

Noodles are popular because that was the only food they could have

What is the most instant form of energy?

The most instant form of energy is generally considered to be chemical energy stored in food or glucose. When consumed, these sources of energy can be quickly converted by the body into usable energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to fuel cellular processes.

Are noodles a famous food in Paris France?

noodles are not specially famous in France, but a very common food.

Is there takeout at noodles and company?

yes it is fast food (noodles and company

What are the disadvantages of instant food?

While instant foods are quite convenient, the disadvantage is that they are usually less nutrient dense than whole foods. The more a food is processed to make it instant, the more vitamins and minerals are lost. Fresh or whole foods that have not been processed are a much healthier choice. Answer by BellySnow Eat more instant foods, we will forget the traditional flavor quicker.