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If you are looking for best Nutritionist in Delhi NCR, then hang around Nutritionholic. Ritu Singh is the best Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator who is expert in Diabetes, Weightloss treatment etc...

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digital utkarsh

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4y ago
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16y ago

Fruits are good for you even if you are on a diet.

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If you are looking for best Nutritionist in Delhi NCR, then hang around Nutritionholic. Ritu Singh is the best Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator who is expert in Diabetes, Weightloss treatment etc...

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nonfat diet

Is a 800 calorie diet good for you?

no it is not good for you

Is a 900 calorie diet good for you?

no it is not good for you.

Are raw chicken eggs good for horses diet?

raw eggs aren't good for any diet.

Is potato salad good for diet?

Depends on the kind of diet you are going on. If it is a low-carb diet, no.

Is diet soda good for a diet?

No soda is good for a diet. Try sticking to water! Diet soda contains harmful chemicals, such as aspartame. However, energy drinks are alright (not sugar free)

What is the best diet for energy?

To have a good energy diet have lots of carbohydrates.

How do you incorporate milk in the diet?

Yes cause it is very good for your diet.

What is a good diet to follow for a healthy heart?

A good diet for heart health would be to only consume things that are low in cholesterol. Another good idea would be to ask your doctor for a good diet plan and schedule for which you can follow.