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Eggs contain protein but not all protein is made of eggs.

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Leo Bergnaum

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2y ago
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14y ago

Eggs have one of the highest natural protein levels of all foods.

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Q: Are eggs a considered a lean protein?
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What is protein food?

High protein food are foods which are high in protein. Like fish, lean meat, eggs, milk and beans.

Is roasted turkey a lean protein?

If it is fresh (not processed) turkey and you remove the skin after cooking but before eating, turkey can be considered a lean protein.

Eggs milk fish and meat are good sources of what part of your diet?

meat=protein and fats, LEAN meat is mostly protein. milk=protein, carbohydrates, and fat. eggs=mostly protein, some fat. Milk is mostly balanced.

Are chicken meat fish and eggs a good source of protein?

Definitely, look for lean sources of chicken, like skinless chicken breast, fish like tuna and salmon are very healthy and high in protein, eggs are also a great source of protein.

How can I eat healthy food and lose weight at the same time?

I think protein is the key. Eat lots of lean protein such as chicken, turkey, lean beef, eggs and protein drinks. Add in your favorite fruits and vegetables. Round our your diet with some whole grain breads and cereals.

What foods provide animal protein?

I will presume by "good" source you mean high in available protein while being low in saturated fats and cholesterol. The animal protein with the highest bioavailability (meaning, you digest and absorb the most nutrients) is eggs. Second would probably be fish, particularly coldwater fish such as salmon and cod. After this would be lean pork and lean beef, although they may be interchanged with lean chicken and turkey. Milk and other dairy products are good sources of protein, but they also tend to have relatively high amounts of saturated fats.

Can dizzy spells be caused from a lack of protein?

Yes, dizzy spells can be caused from a lack of protein. You should increase your intake of lean red meat, eggs, beans and lentils.

What foods are in a protein diet?

A protein diet is sometimes used by those who are trying to safely lose weight. Examples of high protein foods include fish, seafood, skinless white-meat poultry, lean beef, skim or low-fat milk and yogurt, eggs, lean pork, and beans.

Why are eggs and beans considered a meat group serving?

Eggs and beans are considered a meat group serving because they have lots of protein just like meats.

What are some high protein foods I could eat?

High protein foods that you could eat to increase you protein intake include eggs, cheeses, legumes, tofu, poultry, lean meats, fish, seafood, nuts and whole grains.

What food types are high in protein?

To have a diet high in protein try to use foods such as turkey and chicken breast, lean beef, cheese, milk, beans, eggs, fish, yogurt, seeds, peanut and almonds.

Are eggs and meat in the same food group?

No, it is a protein. It can be considered a meat. But because the eggs are not fertilized, the egg will never produce a real chicken or bird. Technically it is just a protein but people refer to it as a meat.