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I'd say 20-33%

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Q: Are calorie counters on treadmills accurate?
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Do exercise equipment calorie counters work?

What really works is exercise, not the built-in calorie counters. They are meant to be estimates; they are not highly accurate for a given individual. People are different, and calories burned will be different from person to person.

What are the benefits of an online calorie calculator?

There are many benfits of an online calorie counter. When using an online calorie counter u get acces to valid informaton and accurate data. Online calorie counters also include information on many foods that is tough to find.

How accurate is the calorie counter on an eliptical machine?

Unfortunately, the calorie counters on elliptical machines can only give a general reading; there is no way to accurately know your caloric expenditure based on the counter alone.

Where can I find information about calorie counters on the Internet?

Well, I would recommend finding additional information about calorie counters from My Calorie Counter because they offer a variety of tips and services. They also offer great support.

Where can I find information about online calorie counters on the Internet?

Well, I would recommend finding addition information about online calorie counters from My Calorie Counter because they offer a variety of services and information. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.

Are online calorie counters accurate?

Yes,they are quite accurate.anyone is able to count there own calories by just writing it down on a piece of paper.Yet,there are programs online that help you to count your calories and keep track of them in a more accurate setting.

Where can I find information about calorie counters to lose weight on the Internet?

Well, I would recommend finding additional information about calorie counters to lose weight from My Calorie Counter because they offer a variety of services and information. They also offer great support.

Where can I find information about food calorie counters on the Internet?

Food calorie counters are widely available - from web-based applications that will help log and classify your meals, to iOS and Android applications that will help will convenience.

Which brand of calorie counters are the best?

This question is incredibly subjective, and therefore against the rules of the task about asking questions. It would also be difficult to answer this question with an opinion, if one has no experience with any calorie counters. Amazon has a lot of calorie counter watches. Each has a review that can be read.

Is Fitday the best calorie counter program on the Internet?

There are many good calorie counters, or programs, on the Internet. There is no one "best" program.

What are some useful calorie counters available?

A calorie counter application for your cellular phone or portable music device is the most quick and efficient way to measure the intake and burn of calories in your average day. With such applications - which can be downloaded from websites such as iTunes - one can quickly and efficiently submit the food consumed or the activity performed for the most accurate calculation of calorie intake or burning.

Is there anything that can let me know calories burned while walking?

Any calorie counter that considers your height and weight will give you the most accurate calories burned. Many of the new treadmills that you can purchase have this option, allowing the best accuracy for your exercise.