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Beans are veggies..Some people put bacon on it, so the dish could be both.

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Q: Are baked beans a meat or a vegetable?
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Are baked beans a vegetable?

yes backed beans are a vegetable. so if you dont like vegetable's you do now because beans is one...x yes backed beans are a vegetable. so if you dont like vegetable's you do now because beans is one...x

What food groups do beans belong?

Baked beans are vegetables, so vitamins and minerals. :]

Is bush baked beans made with dog meat?

No, no it is not.

Are pinto beans considered to be vegetable or meat?

Yes.Yes, pinto beans are one of New Mexico's state vegetables.

What collective noun is for baked beans?

The Appropriate Collective Noun for "Baked Beans," Is a Halm Of Baked Beans

Are kidny beans a vegetable?

Well, they certainly aren't a meat - kidney refers to the shape and color of the bean, not that it comes from a kidney. Beans are legumes - and, yes, that makes them a vegetable.

What are baked beans made of?

beans that are baked

What is Louis' favourite vegetable?

He hates baked beans, but he likes mashed patatos, fav vegetabe (maybe)- Patato.

What is Louis's favourite vegetable?

He hates baked beans, but he likes mashed patatos, fav vegetabe (maybe)- Patato.

What is the Difference between baked beans and pork and beans?

Well, Baked beans are baked plain old beans and Pork and Beans is like beans with Pork in them..

Why are baked beans bad for you?

Baked beans are not bad for you.

What food group are black beans?

Technically, beans are a vegetable. However, many beans provide nutritional benefits similar to meat. For this reason, dry beans and peas are part of both the Meat/Poultry and Vegetable groups, according to the food pyramid maintained by the US Government site See the Related Links section for more details.