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No, because regular food is healthy and wholesome wheareas low-fat fast food is even worse than regular fast food and extremely unhealthy

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No. Sugar, for example, is "fat free."

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Q: Are all low fat foods considered healthy?
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What foods kill fat in abdomen?

broccolii,salad, all the healthy things you can think of.

What does it mean by non-healthy and healthy food?

Well all foods are OK for you in proportions, but non-healthy food is most often known as ( for example ); foods high in fat, calories, carbs, or oils. Healthy foods; foods that have little fat, calories, oils, carbs ect; BUT.. as I said before.. all foods are ok for you, it's all about how MUCH you eat of that food. Like if you had a donut once a week, that would be ok. but if you had a donut every day, that would not be ok.

What are healthy foods that do not make you fat?

Basically everthing makes you fat

What do you eat in a fat camp?

Fat camps provide healthy foods.

What foods have healthy fat?

Food sources of healthy fat include: Avocados Eggs Nuts Nut butter Olive oil Fatty fish Cheese Butter Sour cream Coconut Beef Poultry Pork

What can you do to have a healthy heart?

Do not eat foods with high fat.

Can healthy food be just as tasty as fat foods?

There is nothing to say that fatty foods aren't healthy. So yes.

What is the difference between fat free foods and regular foods?

Fat-free foods have less fat. Trouble is what you mean by "regular" food. Much common food( like basically all fastfoods) have too much fat compared to what we need. But we do need some fats in our diets to remain healthy. "Regular" food as in home cooking with a bit of consideration will not be fat-free, but can be a healthy balance.

What 3 healthy foods actually increase abdominal fat?

The three healthy foods that actually increase abdominal fat are egg whites, green tea, and grape fruit.

What foods are considered natural fat burners?

Foods considered to be natural fat burners include; foods high in calcium, high protein foods, vitamin c rich foods, apples and berries, garlic, green tea, whole grains and a few others. But food is food and whether it is fat burning or not it should all be eaten in moderation.

What are foods you should not eat to stay healthy?

foods with fat, grease, sugar, ect

Is an avocado a healthy snack?

Absolutely, it is a very healthy and filling snack that does have some fat in it but it is considered to be the healthy kind of fat as opposed to fat from animal products.