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Not really. Those are carbohydrates, not proteins. Add some peanut butter to the bread. Put some cheese on the potatoes.

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No, they are carbohydrates.

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Q: Are Bread and potatoes a good source of protein?
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Is bread and potatoes a good source of protein?

False. Bread and potatoes are primarily carbohydrates. You can add protein to bread, generally by using extra eggs or including cheese in the bread, but by itself, bread is not a significant source of protein.

Are potatoes and bread good sources of protein?

No, they are carbohydrates.

Is Rye a good source of protein?

Rye bread is not a good source of protein. One slice of rye bread has under 2g of protein.

What three foods that are good sources of starch?

A good source of starch can be found in pasta, potatoes, and bread.

What are good source of starch?

bread, pasta, cereal, potatoes

Why do you need bread potatoes and other cereals?

because they have Carbohydrate which is good for you also gives you energy.potatoes have protein in it which is good for you born. white bread is good for you as well it gives people lots of energy.

Why are potatoes a good source of carbohydrates?

Potatoes are a good source of carbohydrate because they contain starch.

Potatoes are a good source of?


How can a potato be a bread?

Potatoes contain a lot of starch like grains. You can boil them and make like mashed potatoes, and make a bread from it. Nobody said it was good.

Is wheat a good source of protein?

No, wheat is not a good source of protein. Protein is found in meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and beans.

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cause its pure milk and its healthy and you can grow taller

What is a really healthy thing to eat for breakfast?

Fruits, oatmeal, whole wheat bread. Chicken eggs can be good as well, as they are an excellent source of pure whole protein.