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At a height of 5'10' and weighing 120 pounds you have a BMI of 17,2 which is considered underweight

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Q: Age 14 male 70bpm height 5'10'weights120 pounds body fat percentage 11?
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Is 55bpm a good resting pulse rate for a 18 year old female non smoker?

yes! 50s indicated you excercise a lot. 50-70bpm is something to be proud of

Why is your heart rate in the 40s?

means your heart beats 40 times each minute, which is quite low.

What if pulse is 108?

If your resting heart rate is consistently around 108bpm then you ought to go and see your doctor to get an accurate reading done, as there is a possibility you have some underlying conditions with could be affecting your heart rate. A normal resting heart rate should be aroung 70bpm. There is likely no need to sweat, but do get it seen to asap.

What is a healthy resting heart rate for a 27 year old female?

The normal, resting heart rate for an adult who is 27 years old is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. It will be between 40 and 60 beats per minute for a well trained athlete.

6 Explain why the SA node generates action potentials at a frequency of approximately 100 beats per minute even though the average resting heart rate is 70 beats per minute?

This is because parasympathetic nerve innervation synapsing in the SA node reduces heart rate from 100bpm to 70bpm as its basal tone

What is the Normal heart rate for age 77?

Hello, I am currently a nursing student, at NCCC and the average heart rate for a 84 year old is 70bpm. It can also range from 60-100 beats per minute. The most important thing to realize is that there should not be a significant difference in HR. (unless the person has justexercised or took a med that will cause and increase in HR). Hello, I am currently a nursing student, at NCCC and the average heart rate for a 84 year old is 70bpm. It can also range from 60-100 beats per minute. The most important thing to realize is that there should not be a significant difference in HR. (unless the person has justexercised or took a med that will cause and increase in HR).

Explain negative feedback and its role?

Negative feedback is a corrective mechanism in biological systems where the response to a stimulus results in the inhibition of that stimulus. It helps to maintain homeostasis by counteracting any deviations from the set point. For example, in the regulation of body temperature, negative feedback helps to prevent overheating or hypothermia by signaling the body to either produce more or less heat.

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Is a heart rate of 59 beats per minute for a 14 year old boy normal?

Normally one would expect the heart rate to be a little higher. If he is very physically fit one would expect a strong pulse and low heart rate, but often it falls within the range of 50-70bpm. If you are concerned or he feels unwell especially after exercise, go and get him checked out. After all it will do no harm!

What is the normal heart rate in an elderly woman that is 89 years old?

normal heart rate for adult is 60 to 80 beats per minute lot of factors effect the heart rate. So does medical conditions. Generally a healthy person who excerzises (atletic type) will have a lower heart rate than a person who is sedentary. Moving will put strain on heart and it will beat faster in order to move the blood faster.

Was valentina tereshkova nervous when she was the first female astronaut?

In two interviews soon after her spaceflight, Tereshkova said "As they brought me to the launchpad I felt a little nervous." and also "as the rocket grew larger through the windows of the bus I felt butterflies in my stomach." However, Soviet movie coverage shows her looking calm, confident and in good spirits as she exited the bus and posed in front of the rocket she was about to ride. Medical reports released years after her flight recorded that her pulse surged to 140bpm as she climbed into the Vostok capsule, before falling back towards her usual rate of c 70bpm, once she was strapped in. The same reports indicated that at T minus 8 minutes her pulse was back up to 120bpm and it climbed steadily as the launch approached, reaching 156bpm as she felt the rocket's engines igniting under her. So, to answer your question, I think 'yes'.

What is the normal heart rate of a 40 year old male?

The normal heart rate for an adult is 60-100 beats per minute. Where your particular heart rate falls depends on many things, including your overall physical health, medications you take, your volume status, and your sympathetic tone.