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Olestra: also known as sucrose polyester

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olestra. also known as sucrose polyester

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Q: A synthetic fat made from sucrose and fatty acids that provide 0 kcalories per gram?
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A synthetic fat made from sucrose?

Sucrose esters are a type of synthetic fat made from sucrose and fatty acids. They are often used as emulsifiers in food products to improve texture and stability. These compounds are produced by reacting sucrose with fatty acids under specific conditions.

What are synthetic acids?

Synthetic acids are acids that are artificially produced in a laboratory setting rather than being derived from natural sources. These acids are typically created through chemical reactions or industrial processes to meet specific needs or applications. Some examples of synthetic acids include sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and nitric acid.

What are examples of synthetic acids?

Some examples of synthetic acids include sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and acetic acid. These acids are commonly used in industrial processes, laboratories, and consumer products.

Why is sucrose boiled with an acid instead of an alkali?

Sucrose is boiled with an acid instead of an alkali because acids catalyze the hydrolysis of sucrose, breaking it down into its constituent monosaccharides (glucose and fructose). Alkalis could also break down sucrose, but they can cause browning reactions and undesirable flavors in the final product.

Does E. coli ferment sucrose?

Yes, E. coli can ferment sucrose. It produces the enzyme invertase to break down sucrose into glucose and fructose, which are then utilized through glycolysis for energy production. This fermentation process produces acids and gases as byproducts.

What are the Classification of acids On the basis of source of origin?

Acids can be classified into natural and synthetic acids based on their source of origin. Natural acids are derived from natural sources like fruits (citric acid in lemons), plants (tannic acid in oak bark), and animals (uric acid in urine). Synthetic acids, on the other hand, are produced through chemical processes in laboratories or industries (sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid).

When Fatty acids provide energy is it anabolic or catabolic?

When fatty acids provide energy, it is a catabolic process. The breakdown of fatty acids through beta-oxidation releases energy that can be used by the body for various metabolic processes.

Substances produced when proteins are digested?

Proteins are broken down into amino acids during digestion. These amino acids can be used by the body to build and repair tissues, support immune function, and create enzymes and hormones.

What are the basic units for protein macromolecules?

Amino Acids are the basic monomer units of proteins. There are 20 kinds of amino acids that can be used in a protein. Proteins vary in the amount and sequence of these amino acids as well as their final folded structure.

How many kind of monomers of proteins are there?

There are 20 amino acids used to make proteins by all living things. There are a few additional amino acids that some archaebacteria use to make proteins that are not used by other living things. There are many more synthetic amino acids that can be made, but while synthetic proteins can be made with them no living thing uses these additional amino acids.

What do fatty acids provide the body with?

fatty acids store fat so they provide fat? ithink im not syre :D haha

What substances are added to retard crystallization of sucrose and increase the solubility of added ingredients?

Acids such as citric acid or cream of tartar are added to retard crystallization of sucrose and increase the solubility of added ingredients in candy-making. These acids help inhibit the formation of large sugar crystals and maintain a smoother texture in the final product.