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Q: A carbohydrate combined with a protein forms A ribosomes B mitochondria C gogli apparatus D nucleus?
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Where is sugar combined with oxygen to make energy?

In the organelles called mitochondria.

In DNA hybridization experiments DNA from one organism is combined with ribosomes from another organism?


Discuss evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory of eukaryotic evolution?

1.) Mitochondria and plastids are relatively the same size as bacteria 2.) Mitochondria and plastids have nucleiod DNA molecules - just like bacteria. 3.) Mitochondria and plastids reproduce the same way as bacteria - binary fission.

A carbohydrate combined with a protein forms what?

Not sure what a carbohydrate combined with a protein forms, but when you consume proteins and carbohydrates, the carbohydrates release energy slower and lead to an overall slower rate of drop in blood sugar than eating carbohydrates alone. Sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted, I was a bit confused about what you wanted...and I'm not sure if there is a combination of carbs and protein.

What kind of cell would you find the most in a mitochondria?

Your mom and me in the bed combined with daivd flores no neck

Where are ribosomes assembled?

Ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus, a specialized region within the cell's nucleus. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and ribosomal proteins are combined in the nucleolus to form the small and large subunits of the ribosome, which are then transported to the cytoplasm for final assembly.

What are the similaties of simple carbohydrate and complex cabohydrate?

They are all composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, in which hydrogen and oxygen are present in the ratio of 2H:1O (like water, hence the term "hydrate"). The term carbohydrate means carbon combined with water.

How can animal proteins be extended?

Animal proteins are extended by being combined with carbohydrate foods and proteins that have spare proteins. This process is called protein sparing.

Set of 3 bases in rRNA?

The rRNA doesn't really have any bases that are combined for translation. Instead, it is bound with protein in order to form functional ribosomes.

What has the author Harold Watling written?

Harold Watling has written: 'A combined study of the growth of the grayling (Thymallus arcticus) and the development of its olfactory apparatus' -- subject(s): Grayling

What is combined inside of the mitochondria?

The mitochondria combine oxygen and nutrients obtained from food to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the main energy source for the cell. This process, known as cellular respiration, occurs in the mitochondria's inner membrane through a series of chemical reactions involving enzymes.

Do green tea body capsules work?

Green tea is known to speed up our metabolism. In this way, they can help you lose weight when combined with a low carbohydrate, low sugar diet.