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All fifty states have passed some version of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, generally providing that you may make a gift of your organs and tissues. Additionally, family members may generally donate your organs and tissues after your death if there is no indication you did not want to be an organ donor. The latest version of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act provides that you can document a refusal to donate organs. Even states that do not expressly address "refusal to donate" documents provide that your wishes NOT to be an organ donor are to be honored at your death.

If you do not want to be an organ donor for any reason, it is recommended that you document your refusal to donate regardless of whether your state specifically provides for such a document. A documented refusal may assist others in making a donation decision that is consistent with your wishes. If you have specific questions about refusing to be an organ donor it is recommended that you contact a lawyer.

You are encouraged to read the help topic, Donations by Others for information on the important role that family members play in the organ donation process.

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Organ Donation Form?

Get StartedOrgan donations are often referred to as "anatomical gifts". All fifty states have passed some version of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, generally providing that you may make a gift of your organs and tissues during your lifetime with the gift to take effect on your death. Additionally, family members may generally donate your organs and tissues after your death if there is no indication you were opposed to such a donation. It is therefore important for you to document your wishes concerning organ donation.OptionsConsistent with the latest version of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, this program provides you the opportunity to: of organs and tissues to take effect on death, amend or revoke a prior organ donation, or document the refusal to make an organ donation.

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The word donation is a noun. The plural form is donations.

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The noun form is donation.

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You will need to complete tax form 1098-c for a car donation tax.

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What are the cons of organ donation?

I do not know of any disadvantage of donating organs. An "after death" donation permits someone else (often, several someone elses) to continue living, to see, to breath, to live a normal life. Organ donation is a very good thing- and if you have died, you are not using those organs for anything. It is the ultimate form of recycling.

Where can one make a car donation in Sacramento?

One can make a car donation in Sacramento with the 'Action Donation Services' organization. One can arrange a donation by phone or fill out the online form. Another organization one can donate a car to is the 'Komen Sacramento Car Donation Program'.

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