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well in answer to your first question even if you are an under weight individual you will be facing awful hunger pains but you probably wont die from this, your body tends to feed on the fat in your body and the average person can go up to probably more like seven days if they arent sleeping, and still survive without food. while its never a good idea to do this no if you were stranded out in the middle of nowhere without food you should be able to survive on the fat that is in your body.

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Q: Will you die if you dont eat or sleep for more then 3 days and how long can one go before the body shuts down?
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You start to get malnutrition, and after a few days your body shuts down slowly, and you entually die.

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Is it true that you will die if you don't sleep in at least five days?

No! It depends on your body. The human body has different stands. For example, Im tall and medium so I can go to sleep in about 3 days. As for others like children from 5-10 have more energy. It all depends on your body!

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Most people can survive for around 11 days without sleep, but the effects on cognitive function and overall health become increasingly severe the longer someone goes without sleep. It is not recommended to go more than a few days without sleep as it can have serious consequences on both physical and mental health.

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After 5 days of fasting, you should feel the best you have in a long time, because you are not eating those foods that your body has a sensitivity. The lack of sleep is just, plain weird. Get yourself to a doctor NOW.

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About three days without any sleep what so ever.

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You never want to starve your self! That's probably the most unhealthy thing you can do to your body. You only have one of those remember. Starvation mode is not fun. It's basically when you're body shuts down.

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