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It depends on if your blood can clot and how deep the cut is. I cannot give you a definite answer or assurance that your blood will clot at all.

If you have thoughts about self harm, please talk to someone - a teacher, a parent, a friend, an online supportive community, a relative, a counselor, a therapist. The U.S. help line is 1-800-273-8255. You don't have to be alone.

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Q: Will the blood clot before you die when you slit your wrist?
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Yes, "slit" and "wrist" rhyme. Both words end with the "it" sound, making them perfect rhyme.

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It means you have slit your wrists in the past. Excuse me? No it doesn't! I have a lipstick kiss on my wrist and this is in fact a tattoo of my mum's kiss, she has terminal bowel cancer and i wanted something permanent on my body that would remind me of her always! I have certainly NEVER slit my wrists!

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What happens if you slit your wrist Can the vessel be repaired?

Yes dont it hurts REALLY F'ng bad and you will have a defective arm because you cut through tendons and muscles.

Is is ok to slit your wrist?

No! Cutting is an addiction. It's not something you can 'just stop' and it's not safe either. No matter what you're going through, you can get through it, and you can get through it safely

Did Michael Jackson inappropriately touch a girl?

No way, he didn't touch any child inappropriately. He was never a child abuser. Or molester... He loves Christ to much. He once said that he would Slit his wrist before ever doing any of it. Well he hasn't, so he didn't. :)

If you accidentally cut a slit up your arm like from the wrist ...above the veins... to your elbow would you die?

Cutting a slit from your wrist to your elbow above the veins could cause significant bleeding, but whether it would be life-threatening depends on the depth of the cut and how quickly medical attention is received. It's important to seek immediate medical help in such a situation to prevent serious complications.

Will you still get blood squirt if a throat is slit after the heart has stopped beating?

No. Once the heart stops beating, blood pressure drops rapidly to zero.