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It depends, but there is a high probabilty that it will decompose because of the presence of anaerobic microorganisms (bacteria which thrive under the absence of air / oxygene) and of mould. In the US, many metal caskets and vaults are hermetically sealed (air and water tight).

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9y ago

Probably yes because of the presence of anaerobic microorganism (bacteria thriving without oxygen) and of mould.

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Q: Will a body decompose in and air tight burial vault?
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What is the difference between burial and cremation?

A Burial is when the casket is lowered into the ground with the body, intact, inside. A Cremation is when the casket and the body are burned into ashes, then give to family/friends. A burial is often much more expensive that a cremation.

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Yes, the human body will eventually decompose when placed in a coffin for an extended period. The rate of decomposition depends on various factors such as burial conditions, environmental factors, and the preservation measures taken. In general, it can take several years for a body to fully decompose in a coffin.

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No. Many, many species of decomposers are needed to completely decompose a dead body.

How how long does it take for a body to decompose?

about 3-4 months

Do pandas decompose?

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