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There is typically a period of time, often 2 years, from the inception of the policy, that suicide as a cause of death is specifically excluded; that is, no benefits will be payable. Once that period has passed, all other things being equal, if a persion dies by suicide, benefits will be paid according to the terms of the policy.

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Q: Will a Life Insurance policy pay benefit if cause of death is suicide?
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Does suicide negate any payout from policy?

suicide will cause your premiums to be refunded if it occurs within the first 2 years of the policy, after that, the full benefit is payed

Is it illegal to benefit financially when there is a premeditated suicide?

Life insurance policies normally will contain a clause that disallows a payment if the cause of death is suicide within the first year of the policy, but if the policy has been in force for over a year, then the benefit is still paid even if the cause of death is suicide. You can legally collect that payment (if you are the beneficiary) even if you originally took out the policy knowing that the insured person was eventually going to commit suicide. However, if you in some way caused this person to commit suicide, that is another matter. To counsel suicide is considered a crime. So there are various legal issues depending upon the circumstances.

Does life insurance cover suicide in New Jersey?

Yes, suicide is a covered cause of death on life insurance policies, but not until the policy has been in force for 2 years; 1 year in some states.

What are the laws in Georgia about collecting on life insurance policy after an overdose?

The real answer lies in what the specific Life Insurance Policy states. Various states have some requirements about "suicide" deaths and how long or short of period of years a policy may be in force before suicide is a covered cause of death. If Georgia has no such law, the policy language will govern whether an OD death is covered. Read you policy.

Can your beneficiary collect life-insurance benefits after your suicide?

Life insurance is regulated by the various states, not by the federal government. It is deemed to be contrary to public interest to encourage suicide by making insurance proceeds available to those who see no way out of their financial difficulties. Therefore, insurance companies usually prohibit claims when suicide is the cause of death, but that limitation usually lasts for only 2 years from the date of policy issuance. If suicide occurs within 2 years, payment is typically limited to a refund of premiums.he policy. In sum, even if death is by suicide, benefits will normally be paid if death occurs after the policy has been in force for 2 years. Be sure, however, to refer to the written terms of the policy and the insurance code of the state in which the policy was issued, as they will always prevail.

Who regulates the Standard life insurance policy?

The standard life insurance policy wording is requlated by the various stae insurance departments. Basically, the standard life insurance policy covers death by any cause at any time in any place. Death by suicide within the first 2 policy years is an exclusion in most states, 1 year in some states.

Does life insurance covers suicide?

Many policies will contain an exclusion for suicide for the initial two years that the policy is in force. Other states have other statutory limitations on the period during which suicide will not be a covered cause of loss. One of the primary reasons for the exclusion is that life insurance, like other types of insurance, is intended to cover fortuitous losses, not intentional ones. It is similar in theory to insurance coverage not applying to intentional acts committed by the insured.

Will an insurance policy payout on an open verdict?

An "open verdict" is a term used in a coroner's inquest to determine a cause of death. Possible outcomes can be natural causes, murder, suicide, or another cause. If dealth is by natural causes, barring anything odd, life insurance should pay without question. Likewise as to murder, although there may be an investigation regarding its circumstances--such as whether the person murdered was the aggressor, or if the beneficiary of the policy was the murderer. Suicide presents a different situation. Most life insurance policies exclude suicide as a payable cause of death during the early years of coverage. The policy terms will specify how long. Once that period has passed there should not be a problem with payment.

To collect on a life insurance policy do you have to have the death certificate with the cause of death or can you use a death certificate that does not have the cause of death?

A death certificate with the cause of death is usually required on life insurance policies. It depends on the insurance company, the type of policy and what its terms are. An insurance company will most likely require a death certificate with the cause of death, because the cause of death is important in all life insurance claims. If the policy is one for accidental death benefits only, the company is entitled to know and the beneficiary has to prove that death was accidental. An insurer is entitled to know whether death occurred as a result of suicide, which might not be covered by a standard life insurance policy. Also, an insurance company is entitled to know if the death was a homicide that the beneficiary had something to do with, because that would render the beneficiary ineligible to collect benefits.

Does huffing void a life insurance policy?

Read your insurance policy. A normal life insurance policy would pay the full benefit no matter what after the 2 year incontestable period. The only things that would cause the benefit to be denied during the first two years is if they had lied on the application or if they did not disclose something important on the application. The application will ask about illegal drug use and I'm sure they answered no. If they started using drugs or paint after the application was dated no problem.

Can a home insurance policy be cancelled for non payment?

Yes. Non Payment of premium can cause a cancellation or non renewal of an insurance policy.

How does an insurance company benefit from insurance?

When an insured purchases an insurance policy they pay the insurance company money for the insurance coverage. This money the insurance company collects is called insurance "premiums". The insurance company, using the law of large numbers, collects more money in premiums than it pays out in claims. The insurance also makes alot of its money by taking the money earned from premiums and then investing it. As we all know that Life insurance policy cash values are accessed through withdrawals and policy loans. However, withdrawals are taxable to the extent they exceed basis in the policy. Loans outstanding at policy lapse or surrender before the insured's death will cause immediate taxation to the extent of gain in the policy and hence benefits the company.