Sicknesses are usually considered ailments that are temporary, but Allergies are permanent. If you have an allergy to say, bananas, then you aren't going to be able to have bananas. If you have a sickness that will not let you eat bananas while you have it, then you can take medicine and be able to eat them again. Does that help?
Sickness,intolerable reactions, even death
It is important to keep yourself clean to prevent sickness, but being over clean is proven to cause allergies and an increase in sickness, because your Immune System is too weak from not having to fight off invaders.
# Because they may attack other students. # Kids may have bad allergies to animals. # Schools don't sickness that comes from animals.
Buclizine is an antihistamine drug that has been used for medical conditions. It has been clinically tested for motion sickness, allergies, vomiting, migraines and insomnia.
thought to benefit a wide range of ailments. These include altitude sickness, Bell's palsy, the common cold, allergies , coughing, dengue fever,
An air purifier can be effective in reducing symptoms of sickness by removing airborne particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander that can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on the specific illness and the quality of the air purifier.
Wool allergies, flea allergies, food allergies, and skin allergies that can be genetic. (My CC has allergies.)
He or she could be scratching from allergies.
The Swiss Secret to Ultimate Health is a diet book written by a doctor in Switzerland. It relies on eliminating toxins in the body and hidden allergies in order to increase the body's immunity to sickness.
You might want to go to the hospital because its possible that you could be having a stroke or a heart a tack.
These include: alcoholism, allergies, anxiety , arthritis, asthma , bladder conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression , drug dependencies, gastrointestinal problems, Gulf War sickness, headache.
Allergies or as an anti-nausea it is also known as Phenergan. Can cause drowsiness and blurred vision. Avoid sun exposure as his medication makes you more sensitive to the suns rays. (This includes artificial sunlight)