Nunavut has the smallest population because the climate is very cols, since it is up north.
All of northern Canada is extremely low density, specifically the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut - combined they account for only 0.1% of Canada's already low population. Nunavut by itself is the lowest, having a population density of 0.016%.
Nunavut's population is 33,220
32,183 is Nunavut's population.
Urban area: High population density Suburban area: Moderate population density Rural area: Low population density
no answer
The population of Nunavut is 35,944 as of 2016.
Low density is when a country has a low number of population.
it doesn't. America's population is a medium density population that is predominantly in coastal regions
The moon has a remarkably low population density.
Nunavut Liquor Commission's population is 17.