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DEPRESSION my non-friend. Im 16 and I too am probly gonna commit suicide soon since my life sucks, i have no friends, im always that 1 kid who justs sits there embarresed when it comes to groups, and i picked on every day. So im depressed and gonna commit suicide real soon. I cant drop out of school so I have NO other choice than suicide. HELP ME GOD!!!!

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3y ago
I hope you didn’t commit suicide...and i hope your okay my non-friend. You are loved❤️ yours truly, your friend in the future

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How many vicodin in order to commit suicide?

We would rather not advise people about how to commit suicide. Perhaps you could tell us why you would wish to do so, and we might have some useful advice for you.

Did Steven Burns commit suicide?

i think so

What is the force of nature which makes people commit suicide?

People commit suicide because they are depressed, angry, or even confused. They do it so they can have Nirvana.

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Your going to be dead after you commit suicide, so whys it matter?

What percent of children who commit suicide have a mental health disorder or depression?

The urge to commit suicide is a symptom of a mental or emotional disorder, so it is reasonable to say that 100% of children who commit suicide have a disorder or very serious depression (which is a disorder.)

What are the chances of suicide?

depending on the age of the person if they are 10-14 there is a 1/100,000 if the person is 15-24 there is a chance of 1/10,000 and if they are older then 24 there is a chance of 1/65,000 ------------ VERY high, so many people commit suicide a year. Most people who commit suicide are teens, usually from 9th grade through collage, but people as old as 80 commit suicide sometimes.

Do homeless people commit suicide?

Yes! There are many valid reasons to commit suicide in this economy. The economy isn't in the kind of shape to be able to help anyone, and won't be for a very long time, so you're just going to suffer. Why suffer?!

Is suicide a mortal sin and apparently go to hell?

Firstly life isgods gift, not meant to be ended by suicide.It takes courage to commit suicide , but only cowards commit suicide, do not throw this life so easily . God gives life and god takes life. Those who commit suicide will go to hell.

Why does the Devil love it when people commit suicide?

To tell you this. its belived that if you do commit suicide you do not come to haven but to hell so when the devil gets more people under him of course he gets happy

Did jack halagey really commit suicide?

In my opinion, the story about jack halagey is not even true. SO, I would say no, Jack Halagey did not commit suicide. But really it depends on who you ask.

Why do bees commit suicide?

Bees don't commit suicide so much as they perform self-euthanasia. If they are injured or cannot make it back to the hive, they will sting themselves, ending their life.

Why shouldn't you commit suicide when others have committed suicide?

You have so much more to live for! You can't give up on life. Be strong.