Well, firstly they may like the taste of tears
Secondly they may not know what they are doing when I'm upset I don't know what I am doing so I drink my tears. So it is physicley and emotionly is your choice.
Yours Sincerely
Not unless you are allergic to sorrow
Drink orphan tears
The cast of I Will Drink My Tears - 2011 includes: Yonatan Carmel as Yonatan Shira Farber Amit Itzcar as Security Guard Amir Wolf as Teacher
That depends on the type of bug it is. Some drink blood, others tears, others sap and others water. Some do not drink at all.
in a survival situation, any liquid you get into you that's not poisonous might save your life. people trapped in earthquake damage/rubble have survived by drinking other peoples or their own urine, but sweat will probably not be a good idea because of the salt content - the small amount of hydration value would be offset by it.
peahens drink peacocks tear's. Then she is pregnant.
The people on The Trail Of Tears were relocated because the Cherokee forced then to leave.
The blood of 1000 innocent souls.
thats imposible and why would they be as tears
the number of people who died on the trail
Peahens do not drink tears of Peacock for the reproduction. Even I had this Myth in my mind from a long time, but scientifically this is not true. And in actual, they both mate with each other for reproduction.