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they perfer it because it is cheaper to do it there and because of the Infant Mortality Rate that means woman will have more children then the children can go work in the factories

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Q: Why do TNC's prefer to have their factories in LEDC's?
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Should TNCs be allowed to use LEDCs to increase profit?

Yes and No

Why TNCs have factories in poor countries?

Transnational corporations (TNCs) may have factories in poor countries due to factors such as lower labor costs, access to raw materials, tax incentives, and less stringent regulations. This allows them to reduce production costs and increase profits. Additionally, setting up factories in these countries provides employment opportunities for the local population.

Why do Tncs locate in Ledcs?

Cos it's cheaper to make and also the wages are lower, so the profit they Tncs get are higher. people have to work more, but still get paid less, you either do the work you get, or you loss your job, so the profit and wages are all cheaper

Why is it good for MEDCs to have TNC headquarters in their country?

One reason is because people are more educated in MEDCs compared to LEDCs - HQs need suffieciently educated employees to manage their money. People in LEDCs are not so well educated and so are more suited to mass production in TNCs.

What advantages do tncs bring to ledcs and medcs?

provide money for industrial projects,helps develop mineral output,improve energy production,improves roads trains,provides new technology,develops trad links with other countries It improves the countrie's (LEDC's) ecomony.

What are some tncs?


Are TNC's good or bad?

TNCs are both good and bad depending on how you view it. TNCs ( Transnational Corporations) do depend on LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) because it costs less to pay the workers in a LEDC then a MEDC ( More Economically Developed Countries). Although a TNC does pay about next to nothing, it provides a person from a LEDC to acquire new skills and also earn some money whilst doing this. But, whilst working for a TNC, all the profits go back to the country the TNC originated from and also anything produced from the LEDC will get imported back to the originating country meaning the LEDC gains nothing in the process. TNCs do provide the LEDC new technology they would of had access to before but the TNC may leave the country anytime if cheaper labour is found meaning sudden unemployment. TNCs usually leave a LEDC full of pollution. From that, TNCs are both good and bad depending on how one views it.

What role do TNCs play in the global economy?

TNCs impact on the economy by putting money into the the economy. Also showing the economic prosperity of the country

Who created globalization?

tncs created globalization

Does fair trade benefit retailers more than LEDCs?

why is fair trade good for LEDCs

Why TNCs products are made in LEDC?

Transnational Corporations (TNCs) often manufacture products in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) due to lower labor costs, relaxed regulations, and access to raw materials. This helps TNCs reduce production expenses and increase profit margins. Additionally, LEDCs often offer tax incentives and subsidies to attract foreign investment and encourage economic growth.

How did LEDCs get into debt with MEDCs?

ledcs ask medcs for money if they need it but over time, medcs charge more and more interest and so the ledcs can't pay it back. medcs also bargain for their resources so when the ledcs are left in debt, with no control over their resources, they end up in poverty.