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Most likely because suicide is considered self murder. Also that some foolish self appointed Gods of the non compassionate religion thought that they were doing God's will.

Suicide is a sin if the persons mind is sound at the time of the act, but who really knows why a person kills themselves?. Most are committed because the mind of the person is not stable at the time. What right has anyone to say that they cannot be given a proper burial in a church yard. Has any religion the right to judge a person who commits such an act. Let God be the judge, and give the unfortunate a proper burial.

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Who said that they can´t?

But suicide is a sin in The Bible. Because only God is the master of life and death. It means that you do not have the power to end your own life. This is where I disagree with the church, and every christian. Life is a gift from God, and a gift is something that you give for someone else to enjoy. It is there life, and not Gods anymore. I am sure you can give them a real funeral even though they have committed suicide. It should not be that strict anymore.


Catholic AnswerThe killing of one's self, death being the willed object or the inevitable and immediate result of a given action. If the doer was felo de se, i.e., had reached the age of reason and was sane and otherwise responsible for his action, it is a mortal sin against the fifth commandment; suicide is an infringement of God's dominion over human life and is contrary to the nature of man. It is not unlawful but laudable to do something that may or will cause death, when a certain and great good will follow and death is not intended, e.g., going into a burning building to save life, nursing the infectious sick. Suicide may be committed by deliberate neglect to take reasonable care of one's self, but one is not bound to take extraordinary care, e.g., by undergoing a ruinously expensive or exceedingly painful surgical operation. A felo de se may not be given Christian burial unless he has given some sign of repentance before dying; in Great Britain the clergy usually accept the verdict of the coroner's jury as to sanity or otherwise without question, but a priest is not bound to do so if he has certain knowledge to the contrary.

from A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957

note: Christian burial would include being buried in the Church cemetery

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Q: Why cant people who committed suicide be buried in church cemeteries?
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Up until recently, the Catholic Church considered those who committed suicide to have been guilty of a mortal sin and would automatically be condemned to hell. Thus they were forbidden a Catholic burial. However, recent advances in mental health science demonstrate that most of those who commit suicide are suffering from various forms of mental illness and not totally responsible for their actions. To be guilty of a mortal sin a person must be completely aware of the action they are taking and of its consequences.

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One"s very soul is at stake- or at the end of a rope, as it were. Suicide is considered to be a form of Unpardonable sin- against the Holy Ghost- as the Spirit is the (Lord and Giver of Life) Snapping your own cord is taboo, and was considered to be ,as noted unforgivable. Not that long ago agreed-upon ( as per autopsy, police examinations of the body, etc) suicides were refused burial in Church cemeteries- this applied to the actress Carole Landis, who was buried in a non-sectarian plot in one of the major California cemeteries in Glendale. Miss Landis took her own life.

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Why do Catholic Churches not have cemeteries in the church grounds?

Real estate costs? All dioceses have cemeteries which neatly meet the requirement for interment in a Catholic consecrated ground. Some are quite large and have different sections- at least as diversified as any secular burial ground. On the other hand, there are specialized cemeteries and mausoleums at the Motherhouses of various convents, the Motherhouse is in effect a headquarters base for the Religious orders, and these are almost captive cities, with schools, health-care facilities on site and of course, funeral chapels and cemeteries. Convent Station on the former Erie-Lackawanna line is a good example of a Motherhouse. In some locations, not necessarily Motherhouses, Sometimes deceased nuns are buried in storage vaults in the back of a church, this might be a temporary thing, like the Receiving Vaults at major cemeteries. ( where weather or other factors- such as well, the disruptions of the Sandy storm, may have wrought. My Mother said there were a number of cases where she saw Nuns temporarily buried in the back of a church, which was not a Motherhouse..Catholic AnswerAll Catholic Churches have a cemetery, although it might not be on their grounds, but there is always a Catholic cemetery available. In the few instances where there is no Catholic cemetery, the priest will bless the plot in another cemetery. Most Churches in the United States do not have cemeteries on the Church grounds because the Church was centrally located for ease of the immigrant population in already existing cities, and there was not enough land available to put a cemetery there as well. In older Catholic countries, cemeteries were usually near the Church. In England, most Church yards had their own cemeteries, but Henry VIII stole all the Church's property, so current Catholic Churches are newer and did not have land available - as is the case in the United States.

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A. Hunter Rineer has written: 'Churches and cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania' -- subject(s): Cemeteries, Church buildings, Directories

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