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Because when people would be buried they would bury them only 3ft. so when it would rain the coffins would wash up from the ground. So that is why they bury people 6ft. deep.

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11y ago

High water table levels in some areas cause wood coffins to rise. (wood floats on water)

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Q: Why are coffins placed above ground?
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The number of coffins in which tutankahmens mummy was place?

he was placed in 4 coffins

Where are coffins kept?

Some places where coffins are stored: graveyard or grave, mausoleum, earth, crypt, hearse, cemetery, or a funeral home.

What is the difference between grave and tomb?

A tomb is a structure that typically is above ground in which the casket is placed. A grave is a hole in the ground in which the casket is placed. A tomb stone is a structure placed above a grave to mark the location of the grave.

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Mummies were placed in coffins called a?

A mummy's 'coffin' is called a sarcophagus.

When traveling with empty forklift how should the blades be placed?

1 foot above ground.

Do they put insects into coffins?

yes because insect live in the ground and most coffins are made out of wood and termites live under ground no they don't, to make a coffin you need technology and bugs are uncivilised creatures.

What is the place were bodies go?

Coffins, six feet under the ground (in a graveyard usually).

Did the Egyptians put the coffins in the pyramid while they were making it?

If you are asking "When the Egyptians were making the coffin was it placed inside the pyramid?"The answer is possibly. It is not entirely sure where the coffins were made but it is highly likely that they were inside the pyramid.

Why people were mummified?

The acient egyptians began burying there dead in coffins to pertect them from wild animals in the desert. However , they realised that bodies placed in coffins decayed when they were not exposed to the hot, dry sand of the desert.

What is a stone coffin in which wood coffins were placed?

A tomb. One might also think of a sarcophagus, but traditionally the corpse was placed without a wooden casket into the stone sarcophagus.

What is the height of sewer air pipes above ground?

The Fresh air inlet is placed 6" above grade and a vent terminal is placed 2 feet above the roof surface UNLESS it is a promenade deck then the VT must be 7 ft above the surface and should be a min of 4" to prevent hoarfrost