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I would hope they had some relatives of family who could come up with enough for a small service. If not many areas have paupers cemetaries where the government is forced to pay for a burial or cremation only depending on the laws in the area.

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Q: Who pays for the funeral if a person has no insurance?
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Who pays for the funeral if the person has life insurance?

The insurance company.

If the deceased person had insurance who pays for funeral?

actually i think whoever they gave the the money to when they died that's who pays for the funeral but if they didnt give the money to any one they pay for it from the insurance

What is funeral insurance?

A funeral insurance is a policy that in the event of your death, the insurance company pays all expenses for your funeral.

Who pays for the funeral of a homeless person?

The state or local authority.

What is term life insurance quotes?

Term life insurance quotes are estimates of monthly payments for life insurance, which pays for funeral expenses after death.

When you have life insurance does the insurance company pay for the funeral expenses?

Some life insurance companies will cover funeral expenses, but you need to double-check with your company policy just to make sure. The best way to be sure is to purchase funeral insurance. Additionally, there are some governmental organizations that will assist with burial insurance, including Social Security and the Veteran's Administration. The AARP also has some plans to help cover any funeral expenses.

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yes it pays a portion under med pay.

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You do. Or your insurance does.

Who pays for funeral expenses when there are several insurance policies?

It's up to you to choose between you. There's no rule. As long as the insurance company gets the money they are not worried.

What insurance pays claims on judgments?

It would depend on many factors. Most of the time it is not insurance that pays out on Judgments, the person losing the suit pays, or the corporation that lost.

Where can a person purchase funeral insurance?

Someone can purchase funeral insurance at some places online, however they can also purchase it at any local funeral home or at a burial service place.

If you die without health insurance who pays the hospital bill Is the surviving spouse liable Can a lien be placed on life insurance proceeds?

That is the purpose of Life Insurance, to pay those bills and the cost of a funeral.