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You don't get a funeral if you can't pay. The county will pay for a cremation. Many funeral homes base their charge on "whatever the casket costs." That includes everything from embalming to the actual service.

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13y ago

If a family cannot afford to pay for a family members can apply for a county sponsored cremation or burial. This information for these paticular service can be obtained through the county coroners office in your particular state and county.

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11y ago

Laws and social assistance policies vary by country, region, province, and state. The rule of thumb is that the person who arranges the funeral is solely liable for the costs. This means the services ordered must be satisfied. If the funds are not available, then the services must be reduced. Sadly, this may include reducing the service to that of a pauper's funeral. Thankfully, many funeral directors are accustomed to these challenges and may be able to offer advice.

Unfortunately, as it cannot be determined what country or region you're in, it's impossible to offer more concrete advice. If the deceased is elderly, there may be benefit payments available through the local social services outlet. However, the contribution is only for the most minimum, basic funeral. If you've ordered something beyond what you can pay, then the social services will not contribute anything. Their reasoning is that they are there to help with the basics - not to help glorify the service. They would expect any amount of money you may have to go towards the most basic funeral first. Then, and only then, might they consider helping somewhat.

The onus is always upon family members to help settle funeral costs for a loved one. Some people are forced to resort to pawn shop loans, selling assets, etc to settle the debt.

If the deceased was in the military, there may also be some small contributory aid available from the appropriate military arm. Again, the funeral director may be able to offer some advice.

And lastly, there's always what's referred to as 'door loans.' But they're a very last resort. That's where you can borrow money, but the loan is paid back weekly to the agent who shows up at your door. Failure to pay increases pressure and sometimes social embarrassment due to the repeated visits of the loan officer. Interest rates can be as high as fifty percent!

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13y ago

Dept. of Human Services will help with some of it, as will Social Security Administration.

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