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Generally, the grandchildren would be the next of kin. You can check state laws of intestacy at the related question below.

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Q: Who is next of kin to deceased grandmother with living brother deceased son and living grandchildren?
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Assuming there was no will which specified the bequests, it would depend on state intestacy laws.

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I am the only child of my father who is deceased. His mother passed away in California. She has one daughter and one step-son living. What are my rights to her estate if she had no will?

I am assuming that your grandmother does not have a spouse who is still living. In California, if a resident dies without a will or trust, then the laws of intestate succession are used to determine who will inherit the estate. If your grandmother was not married, then the estate would be divided in equal shares (if they are in the same generation) to her children. If there are no children or grandchildren living, then the estate would go to her parents. If her parents are no longer living, then the estate is distributed to the "issue of the parents." (Issue is the legal term for children, grandchildren, etc.) I am not an attorney but typically, in your situation, you would inherit one third of the estate. (Your father's portion.)

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The living sister would be qualified as long as she is not under 19 years old.

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No, they're not blood related. They'll only have a relation if it has to do with the will of the person.

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Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham was his mother's mother (deceased). His maternal grandfather, was Stanley Armour Dunham. His grandmother on his father's side is named: Akumu, she is living in Kenya.

How many kids did lee petty have?

Yes, he does. Kyle Petty has three sisters. They are named Sharon, Rebecca and Lisa.

Who is a widow's next of kin?

That depends on whether or not they have any children, grandchildren, siblings, or if their parents are still living. If they have children, then the children are the next of kin. If they had children and the children are deceased, yet had children of their own, then the grandchildren would be the next of kin. If there are no grandchildren either, then the parents are next of kin. If the parents are deceased, then the siblings would be next of kin. If they have no children, grandchildren, siblings or surviving parents or grandparents, then the closest blood relatives would be their next of kin, such as aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. in that order.

Who are Tigerstar's family members?

Tigerstar's family members include his parents, Pinestar and Leopardfoot. He also has a mate, Goldenflower, and together they have a son named Bramblestar. Tigerstar also has other descendants, including grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who are part of the ThunderClan and ShadowClan clans.

What is a antonym for deceased?

The antonym for deceased is living or alive.

Who is the legal next of kin to your grandmother?

If he is still alive, your grandfather is the legal next of kin to your grandmother. Failing that, her children are her next of kin. Does she have living siblings? Those are also closer kin than her grandchildren. Failing that, it gets more complicated. We all have different families with different relatives.

What is succession of heirs in CA man never married died without will both parents deceased one living brother one deceased sister but left surviving daughter to whom does estate go?

It will be split in half, half going to brother, half going to the issue of the sister.