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Next of kin and heirs at law are his wife and children. If you want to know who inherits his property if he dies without a will you can check the laws in your state at the related question link below.

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Q: Who is classed as next of kin when a married man dies?
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Related questions

What if a beneficiary under a will dies?

It goes to next of kin

Who is your next of kin when married?

Your spouse.

If your dad dies who claims body?

Next of kin claims the body (next of kin means the nearest family member or spouse)

Who is next of kin when mothers son dies and he has a son?

The son.

Are your children your next of kin?

If you are not married and your children are under 18 then your next of kin is either your parents or siblings.

Who is next of kin if a married man dies in Calif His wife or children?

Wife, then the children. The children will get some amount of money though, the wife can't have it all.

Is my daughter next of kin?

Yes your child is your next of kin if you are not married. If you don't have children and are not.married it goes your parents and then siblings!

Are grandchilren next of kin if parent dies?

No, grandchildren are not typically considered next of kin if a parent dies. Next of kin usually refers to a person's closest living blood relative, such as a spouse, parent, or sibling. Grandchildren would be considered more distant relatives in terms of legal relationships.

How do you find out if you are a widower?

If your wife dies, chances are you are going to hear about it, as the next of kin.

Is it legal to change the address of someone who dies if you are next a kin?

Not if you are the fiduciary of the estate.

What happens to property when someone dies with no next of kin?

Typically property that cannot be claimed by kin when someone dies goes to the government. If money is owed on the house it is given to the bank.

Is your mother your next of kin?

If you mean for purposes of inheritance or medical treatment then yes, your parents are your next of kin as long as you are not married. If you're married your next of kin would be your spouse. For purposes of inheritance the term is heirs-at-law. See related question links provided below.