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The estate of the deceased can always bring suit. Anyone that was injured by the death, typically a spouse or a child. And the guardian of a minor can bring it on behalf of the child.

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Q: Who can file Wrongful Death Suit in Arkansas?
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How do you file a wrongful dismissal suit in Alberta?

To file a wrongful dismissal suit in Alberta, file a petition with the court. Only a judge can dismiss the suit.

Who can file a wrongful death suit in Georgia?

The surviving family members with a lawyer help.

Where can you file a wrongful death suit?

A wrongful death suit is normally filed by a family member. If a criminal trial is being pursued, it could go in conjunction with that. If not, it can be done on it's own. It should be filed in the state and county of the actual death.

Can a minor sue for wrongful death of a parent?

They are not capable of bringing a lawsuit. However, their guardian can file the law suit on their behalf. And the estate can bring the suit as well.

How can a person file a wrongful death claim?

Wrongful death claims may be filed by the remaining representatives of the deceased. Anyone who is a representative of the deceased can file a wrongful death claim by contacting an attorney.

Where can I find listings of Wrongful Death attorneys in Miami, Florida?

Wrongful death is a claim against a person who is held liable for the death of another person. Because a dead person cannot file a suit, a close relative is the one who brings about civil action. You can find wrongful death attornys in Miami at the folowing website:

Can you file a wrongful death suit on behalf of your same-sex spouse?

Depends. In the few states which recognize gay marriage - where you are legally your deceased spouse's next-of-kin - yes. Elsewhere, you would have to be Executor of the deceased's estate to bring a wrongful death claim.

Can a teacher file a defamation suit against a parent for wrongful allegations?

Yes, a teacher may file a defamation suit against a parent for wrongful allegations. The teacher will need proof showing what the parent did and proof showing she was not reprimanded for it.

Where do you start to file a wrongful dismissal suit in British Columbia?

First you go talk to a lawyer.

What is the statute of limitations for child abuse in Arkansas?

The statute of limitations is the amount of time a prosecutor or an individual has to file civil or criminal charges. The statute of limitations in the state of Arkansas for wrongful death is one year following the death of an individual.

What about wrongful death from hospital?

What, exactly, is the question? If you feel a wrongful death HAS occurred or was caused, file a civil lawsuit for wrongful death and/or malpractice against whomever you believed caused or contributed to it.This case might fall under medical malpractice or civil lawsuit.

Your father was a passenger in a vehicle and killed Should you file a wrongful death suit?

Whether or not there is a basis for a wrongful death suit depends upon many factors, so "should" is really not the question. For example, most states have statutes (laws) that specify the capacities of people who can sue for the wrongful death of another, and a big factor would be whether or not you were dependent upon your father for financial support. If you were, all other things being equal, you would have measurable damages. Another factor to consider is whether the wrongdoer had auto insurance or has other assets from which recovery can be made.