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Most likely, ownership would revert to the insured. A new owner can be re-designated at any time though.

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Q: Who becomes owner when the insured survives the owner and beneficiary?
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As an owner of a life insurance policy can you change the beneficiary after the death of the insured?

Perhaps this question could be rephrased. The answer to the question as posed is: after the death of the insured, the policy becomes void, and the benefits payable. The simple answer is no, you as the owner can not change the beneficiary after the death of the insured (subject of insurance).

Can the insured person change the beneficiary of a policy?

Only the owner of the life insurance policy can change the beneficiary designations. In many case the owner is the insured. Check your policy for the definitions or call your agent.

Can anyone else but the insured change the beneficiary on a life insurance policy?

Only the POLICY OWNER can change the beneficiary on a life insurance policy. In most cases, the insured is also the policy owner, but it's not a general rule. The policy owner can be another person who is paying the premium (for example, a parent or guardian, spouse or other family member), or a bank, or a business. If the policy owner is not the same person as the insured, then the insured has no control over who the beneficiary is on the policy.

Can a spouse change there deceased spouses beneficiary name on a life insurance policy?

The owner of the policy can change the beneficiary of the policy. If the original beneficiary has died before the insured, the owner of the policy can designate a new beneficiary at any time.

What if the beneficiary is Policy owner deceased?

It usually reverts back to the insured or the next designated policy owner. Be well.

What happens if the beneficiary of a life insurance policy is deceased?

Generally, if the beneficiary is deceased, the proceeds go to the contingent beneficiary, or if none, to the estate of the insured. An attorney must be consulted to direct you on how to handle this in your state. It depends on whether the beneficiary predeceased the insured. If the beneficiary died before the insured then the proceeds go the the contingent beneficiary. If there is not a contingent, check the contract, it probably is paid to the Owner of the Estate of the Insured. If the Beneficiary died after the Insured, the proceeds go to the Beneficiary's Estate. It is important to have a contingent beneficiary specified in your life insurance policy. This way, if the beneficiary passes away, the contingent beneficiary will benefit. If there is no contingent beneficiary, and the beneficiary has deceased, the proceeds of the life insurance policy, go to the estate and is distributed according to the Will.

Can you deny the benefits of an insurance policy if you are the owner so the beneficiary can collect the proceeds of the policy tax free after the insured is deceased?

I assume you are talking about life insurance. As the policy owner, you have no right to benefits so there is nothing for you to do. Benefits are only payable to the beneficiary unless all beneficiaries are deceased prior to the insured then it would be paid to the estate of the beneficiary. The owner of the policy basically has control of the policy before the insured dies. They are the only one who can change address, payment method, beneficiary, etc. If the owner is not the insured then the owner is the only person who can make policy changes. The insured person has no control over the policy if a different person is the owner but after death the owner has no more rights. Also, all life insurance is tax free as long as you never deducted the premiums for tax purposes.

Is it possible to obtain life insurance for another person with their consent without allowing them to change the beneficiary?

Yes. The policy is controlled by the "owner"of the policy. If the insured person is the owner, then the beneficiary should be written as "irrevocable." An "irrevocable" beneficiary can only be changed with the consent of that beneficiary, regardless of who the policy "owner" is. Hope this helps.

Is life insurance consideredpart of the estate?

If the insurance policy owner did not specify a beneficiary or the beneficiary is deceased, then the life insurance proceeds go to the insured's estate.

Can your ex-husband keep a life insurance policy on you?

Yes he can. There are three important factors about an insurance policy. The owner, the insured, and the beneficiary. He can be either the owner or the beneficiary if you signed off on it. I would check to see if you are either of those and if you are the owner then you can cancel the policy. If you are the beneficiary then you would be fine.

May the policyowner change the beneficiary after the death of the insured?

Assuming you are talking about Life Insurance the answer is no. Once the insured is deceased, this will trigger the insurance company to pay the benefits to the beneficiary, and the policy will no longer exist. The owner no longer owns anything.

What is a deceased beneficiary?

A 'deceased beneficiary' is the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a 'payable on death' bank account who predeceased the insured or the account owner. A 'deceased beneficiary' could also be a beneficiary named in a will who predeceased the testator or who died during the probate of the estate.