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Durkheim claimed the Engineering profession, with a solid reputation for safety factors and down-to-earth calculations of risk, etc. by the way the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the C.O.E. was founded on 6.l6 of l775 thus the oldest specialized corps of the service, and antedating the revolution. Colonel John Stevens is generally considered the founder.

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Q: Which profession has the least suicide rate?
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What profession has the least suicide rate?


What medical professional has the highest suicide rate?

dentists Actually, I believe psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate in the medical profession.

Which profession has the lowest suicide rate?

according to farmers have the lowest suicide and divorce rates

Is being a veterinary surgeon stressful?

Hi, at least in the UK being a vet is said to be the most stressful job you can do and vets have the highest suicide rate of any profession.

What is the most suicidal profesion?

In the Mid 80's, The Dentist Profession had the highest suicide rate.

Is being a vet stressful?

Yes, being a veterinarian is stressful. In fact, the veterinary profession has a quite high suicide rate.

What profession has the highest suicide rate?

In the US, professions like healthcare workers, especially physicians, have been shown to have higher rates of suicide compared to other professions. This is typically attributed to high levels of stress, demanding work environments, and potential mental health stigma within the field.

Which profesion has the highest suicide rate?

dentist have the highest suicide rate.

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When was The Least Worst of the Suicide Machines created?

The Least Worst of the Suicide Machines was created in 1995.

What are the top five professionals that commit suicide?

The professions with the highest suicide rates are finance workers, veterinarians, dentists, and physicians. The profession with the highest suicide rates is marine engineering at 1.89 times as likely to commit suicide.

What was the suicide rate in the 1930s?

There suicide rate was quite high during the 1930s mostly because of the Great Depression. The general rate was about 14 to 17 per 100,000.