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Q: Which is the intentional killing of oneself?
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What is intentional killing of another human being?

Intentional homicide is when someone kills another person on purpose; they wanted to kill them and they did kill them. It means that it wasn't an accident or self defense.Added: The criminal charges brought to court would be "Murder."

What is the word when someone kills himself?

Suicide is the act of killing oneself.

What is punishable by death?

The one who commits intentional killing of someone is punished by death sentence.

What are the types of suicide?

By intent : Sacrifice : killing oneself to help others Selfish : killing oneself out of apparent self interest By means : There are many ways to kill oneself or have oneself killed by others Dont forget the dangerous lifestyle choices (self destructive behaviors, picking a risky career etc) which can be viewed as an expression of an intention to die. ----

Can your beneficiary collect life insurance benefits after your suicide in the state of ohio?

No. I don't think suicide is not covered by any insurance policy in any state/country. Suicide is willful and intentional killing of oneself and no insurance company will cover it. So, your beneficiary will not get even a single penny if you commit suicide.

What is punishable by death sentence?

The one who commits intentional killing of someone is punished by death sentence.

Is kiLling onE's self a murder or suicide?

I'd imagine that to kill one's self would be suicide. Even if one were speaking philisophically, the death of one's conciousness or physical being by that same person would fit the definition of "suicide" and not "murder," which is to kill another living thing. Unless the person in question is somehow separate from their physical body or conciousness (and I don't see how that's possible), it would be suicide in any way.