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veterans affairs

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Q: Which department provides benefits for disability or death as a result of military service?
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What department administers benefits to people who have served in the military?

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) administers benefits to people who have served in the military. The VA provides a range of benefits and services, including healthcare, disability compensation, education and training assistance, home loans, and burial benefits, to veterans and their families.

Is oasdi the same as ssdi?

No, OASDI stands for Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance and includes Social Security retirement benefits. SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Insurance and provides benefits to people who are unable to work due to a disability.

Provides services concerning military pay allowances and benefits?


If you have a stroke can you get disability?

You would need to follow-up with your physician to determine whether you need to go out on disability. If your physician places you on disability, and provides the information to support that, then you may be eligible for disability benefits if you have them. I would contact your physician and let them decide what is best for you.

What is CA-SDI?

CA-SDI stands for California State Disability Insurance. It is a state-run program that provides partial wage replacement benefits to eligible workers who are unable to work due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. It is administered by the Employment Development Department (EDD) in California.

Do the navy get free benefits?

The military provides benefits, health, dental, vision and insurance. They will provide them to the military person and all of their dependents. Most of the work is done through the military medical facilities on base. All personnel get housing and a meal allowance.

Can treasury dept offset ssi disability payments?

The Treasury Department can offset SSI disability payments to cover an over-payment or other debt. An offset notice is mailed to the individual, which provides an individual an opportunity to appeal the offset before it occurs.

Are long term disability payments paid by companies insurance policy taxable by state and state governments?

If the Long-Term Disability benefits you receive are from a company sponsored program, the taxation is dependent on whether your employer pays the premiums. Assuming that your employer pays for and provides the insurance to you, then the benefits you receive are taxable as ordinary income.

Need to find a copy of my social security benefits for 2014?

Go to your social security department and ask about your benefits for 2014 . The Social Security Statement provides information about your earnings history and estimates of your Social Security benefits.

Can a dentist on permanent disibility own practices and make income from them?

This will have a LOT to do with the definition of total disability your policy provides you. If you purchased a True Own Occupation Disability policy, then Yes you can work as a practice owner and still receive 100% of your Disability benefits. The primary requirement is that you continue to be unable to perform the material and substantial duties of a Dentist. If the policy you purchased has a Modified Own Occupation definition of disability that working as a practice owner and earning an income will have a negative effect on the benefits you receive from your Long Term Disability insurance.

A DoD ID card provides verification of a person's identity and serves as authorization of privileges and?

access within Department of Defense facilities. It also allows the cardholder to access certain benefits and services as eligible members of the military, their families, and certain civilian employees.

What services does the website CalSTRS provide?

The California State Teachers' Retirement System provides retirements, disability and survivor benefits for California's 856,360 prekindergarten through community college educators and their families.