In bankrupcty you MUST still file income tax
Yes you could still file a 1040 federal income tax return but if you do not meet the MUST FILE A INCOME TAX RETURN and you do NOT have any income.
Yes you can still file a 1040 federal income tax return but you would not have any reason to file one.
Can you still file income taxes even though no federal taxes were taken out of check?
Yes. You have to pay taxes on both earned and unearned income. In tax language "earned income" means income from a job or self-employment. "Unearned income" is other income such as interest on your bank accounts or profits from investments. A sufficient amount of earned or unearned income requires you to file. Even if you do not have enough income to be required to file, you can still file. If you really want, you can even file if you have no income of any kind.
If your daughter had a baby, then that baby will count as a dependent for the purpose of her income tax, but she still has to have an income before she needs to file an income tax return.
Yes, as a US Citizen you are taxed on your worldwide income. However, you may qualify to exclude a lot of that income from taxation using Form 2555 "Foreign Earned Income Exclusion". But you still must file.
Yes, retired people still have incomes (usually) and therefore still file income tax returns.
Taxes are not age-dependent. In general, if you make money, then you have to file taxes. In some cases parents are allowed to fold the income of their minor children into their own tax returns, but if you have income at all, then SOMEBODY has to pay taxes on it.
Age is NOT one of the requirements of when you must file 1040 federal income tax return. As long as your are still breathing and have the required taxable income amounts you will be required to file a 1040 federal income tax return and pay any income taxes that may be due on the taxable amount of your income.
Age is NOT one of the requirements of when you must file 1040 federal income tax return. As long as your are still breathing and have the required taxable income amounts you will be required to file a 1040 federal income tax return and pay any income taxes that may be due on the taxable amount of your income.