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He died at the age of 19

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Q: When did tutan karmoon die and how old was he?
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Where was Tutan Karmoon found?

Tutan Karmoon is a fictional character and not a real historical figure or archaeological discovery. The name does not appear to be associated with any documented findings or locations in history.

How did tutan karmoon die?

Tutankhamun died from malaria, a flu carried by mosquitos, complications from a broken leg, a skull disease, that ran in the family, and foot disease.

How old was tutan karmen when hw died?

tutan karmn was 23 yesars of age when he died.

When was Tutan Reyes born?

Tutan Reyes was born on 1977-10-28.

How long did Tutan Khamun rule for?

four years

What was the mans name that was finding the tomb of Tutankhamun?

King Rutan Tutan

What was found inside Tutankhamun's tomb?

In tutan khamuns tomb there was gold, treasure and his slaves.

Did senkhara kill anyone?

yes/ senkhara did kill someone she killed Toto karmoon and Toto karmoons step mother too.

What is Egypt's most famous landmark?

1. The river Nile 2. The pyramids of Giza 3. The sand statue of Tutan Carmoon

What happened to all of the old people?

They will die. They will die at 101 years old.

Can giraffes die of old age?

Most Giraffes do die of old age.

When was Old Before I Die created?

Old Before I Die was created in 2001.