Ursula is a legendary figure who may have never existed. She was removed from the Calendar of Saints in 1969. If she actually existed, we do not know when she was born, lived and died and know nothing about her parents.
they ether died of old age,or they were in a car crash.
We do not know with certainty who the parents of Joseph were but they have definitely died - over 2000 years ago.
Roman Catholics believe that her parents were St. Joachim and St. Anne.
There is no historical record of the names of the parents of St. Barnabas.
There remains no historic record of the names of the parents of St. Agnes.
He had no parents because he was a God
We have no record of who her parents might have been.
The names of Cecilia's parents are unknown.
The names of Joachim's parents are not known.
how columbus parents die
All saints had parents. If you are talking specifically about St. Gregory the Great, his parents were Gordianus, a Roman regionarius, and St. Silvia of Rome
His parents were antoinette Begon and Etienne Pascal.