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2000 years of Catholic tradition and writings of early Church fathers tell us that St. Peter was crucified on an upside down cross about the year 64-67 AD. Yes, Saint Peter was in Rome. See this related link for more information. Most modern scholars agree that the Acts of the Apostles was written starting in the year Paul was thought to have arrived in Rome, about the year AD62 and ended abruptly two years later. Thus, the Acts were completed before the martyrdom of either Peter or Paul. Acts also does not mention the destruction of Jerusalem which would have had an adverse effect on the Church there.

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Christian legends aside, we know nothing about how, where or when Peter died. Acts of the Apostles mentions the imprisonment and miraculous release of Peter, but does not say anything about his subsequent death, even though the book was written around the end of the century, long after Peter would have died.

The mid-second century pope Anicetus (156-166) was locked in a conflict with Polycarp of Smyrna on a matter of theology. Polycarp had tried to win the argument by insisting that he spoke with the authority of the apostle John. In response, Anicetus said that Peter was beheaded by Nero in Rome and said that he spoke with the authority of Peter. Thus Anicetus was placing the date of Peter's death between 54 and 68 CE, the reign of Nero. However, there is no reason to believe that Peter ever visited Rome.

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