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Father Damien of Molokai died on April 15, 1889 at Molokai, Hawaii from leprosy.

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Q: When did Saint Damien die?
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When was Saint Damien born and when did he die?

Father Damien of Molokai was born on January 3, 1840 and died April 15, 1889.

What is Saint Damien the patron saint of?

According to the Patron Saint Index, Father Damien of Molokai is the patron saint of lepers and against leprosy.

When did Saint Damien become a saint?

Saint Joseph de Veuster, St. Damien of Molokai, was canonized October 11, 2009.

Does Damien exist?

If you are referring to Damien, the fictional character from the movie series 'The Omen,' no he does not exist. However, there is both a Saint Damien and a Saint Damian, both who do exist.

Who was Hawaii's leper priest?

Father Damien or Saint Damien of Molokai.

What is Saint Damien of Molokai's feast day?

May 10 is the feast of Damien of Molokai.

Who is the new canonized saint that had died for serving and caring for the lepers in Molokai?

Father Damien Veuster also known as Saint Damien of Molokai.

What is emblem for Saint Damien?

If you are referring to Saint Joseph de Veuster, also known as St. Damien of Molokaii, he has no particular symbols at this time.

When is Saint Damien's feast day?

May 10 is the feast day of St. Damien of Molokai.

Where was Saint Damien of Molokai born?

He was born on January 3, 1840, on the family farm at Tremeloo, Belgium as Joseph de Veuster.

Who is the patron saint of Hawaii?

The Patron saint of Hawaii is Saint Damien. St Damien is also the patron of people suffering with HIV/AIDS. A statue of St. Damien stands outside the Hawaii State Capitol Building. Although not officially a saint that will change on October 11, 2009 when the Vatican will officially canonize him.

When did Damien Marchesseault die?

Damien Marchesseault died in 1868.