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You would see your family and friends, your cousin's and brother's and sister's and boyfriends and girlfriends and all the people that you know. But when you will be at your funeral you will see just the heaven skies because when you die your soul comes out of you and your soul goes to heaven or hell. Depends on your behavior.

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Q: What would you see at a christian funeral?
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What is the difference between an Anglican Funeral and a Christian Funeral?

'Baptist' is listed as a Christian denomination. Baptists believe in Jesus Christ, as do all Christians.There are many different denominations who believe in Jesus Christ, and most of them are classified as 'Christian' religions. (See Sources and Related links below) Although they may all share similar fundamental beliefs, they also all differ from each other in some matters to a lesser or greater degree.Baptists don't usually follow a centrally prescribed form of funeral service. Each Baptist church decides for itself what form the service will take, but a bible sermon, appropriate mention of the deceased, and hymns and prayers are common.Therefore, if you go to a Baptist funeral, it is very likely that you will see no difference at all between a baptist funeral and one conducted by many other Christian denominations.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For more information, see Related links below.

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There is no specific way of holding a Christian funeral. Christians believe we go to heaven after death if we are a Christians so many don't call it a funeral where people mourn but celebrate the live the deceased had.

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funeral, church, wedding, play, garden,

Can a Muslim attend a christian funeral if its a family member?

Of course they can.

Where can one listen to Chopin Funeral March?

The best place to hear Chopin's Funeral March is at an actual funeral, however, as it is not recommended that you crash a funeral, the next best place to hear it would be to go to your local music store and see if they have it on a CD.

Can Christian funerals take place on Good Friday in the United Kingdom?

It is allowable to have a Christian funeral on Good Friday in the United Kingdom. There are no specific rules stating when a funeral may take place.

Did Jesus have a Jewish funeral?

Virtually all Jews in Israel at the time of Jesus had Jewish funerals, including Jesus. At that time, a Jewish funeral would have NOT included a coffin.However, according to Christian belief, Jesus was never buried.

Why do non religious people have a christian service?

One possible answer is the fact non religious people live in a Christian country. The Christian service would predominate in the case of a wedding service or funeral service. This is likely done for the benefit of Christian people who might be attending the service and would be done more for protocol as a sign of respect.

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A vicar typically wears black robes for a funeral service in the Christian religion. These robes are a sign of respect for the deceased and their loved ones.

If a fan of Daniel Radcliffe dies will he go to the funeral?

I would say this is highly unlikely. He probably would have some idea of the media attention this would draw and would see how it would be in poor taste to do at a funeral. In addition, even if he chose to go, it would probably be very difficult for the average person to reach him in the limited amount of time they would have between the death and the funeral.