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In the book "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, vampire hunter Van Helsing dies during his mission to kill Count Dracula.

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Q: What vampire hunter has died during the mission to kill the Count Dracula in Stoker's Dracula?
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Dracula is by far the best known Vampire. If you are asking historically who is a famous vampire, well no historical personage has actually been confirmed as a Vampire. The two most likely candidates however (and during their reigns some have actually considered them as such) are Vlad Dracul the Impaler (Dracula's Namesake and inspiration) and Erzebet Bathory (The Blood Countess)

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Contrary to popular belief not all vampire are averse to sun-light. Count Dracula thought nothing about strolling about during the day.

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ther was a real dracula and his name was vlad dracula III (the impaler) he ruled in wallachia during 1448,1456-1462,1576 but he was not a vampire like in the play/book. he was a terable man cause he impaled people (a stake through the pelvis up through the head that he learned from the turks) whom were turks or against him. when vlad III died his body disappered sor the story that he was a vampire went around because everyone thought he traded his soul for immortality.

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Dracula smashes his scull and breaks his back during a brief scuffle when Reinfield attempts to stop Dracula from entering and visiting Mina Harker. Dracula smashes his scull and breaks his back during a brief scuffle when Reinfield attempts to stop Dracula from entering and visiting Mina Harker.

Can a vampire who is dust come back to life?

This comes in under the maybe category. Burning the body is considered a sure way to destroy a vampire, however if a vampire were to become dust by some alternate means then perhaps reconstitution is possible. Count Dracula was able to transmogrify himself into many thing and then return to his true form. One of his transformation was to a green mist, and if he could do that then surely he could do as much with dust. It should be noted that, besides being a vampire, Dracula was also a high order sorcerer and his ability to do extraordinary things probably has nothing to do with his being a vampire. Perhaps here it would be worthy to note that when Dr. Van Helsing's band cornered Count Dracula outside his castle near sun-set, when the Count's powers were at a minimum, when he was stabbed in the heart he turned into dust and blew away on the wind. This is usually considered the end of The Count, that because this occurred during the day this was not a means of escape but his end -- but then you never know.

What country is the castle of Count Dracula?

Count Dracula lives in Transalvaina. Castle Bran is in Romania, and has millions of visitors. I reccomand visiting during winter. Only than you can feel the real Dracula spirit.

Who said To dieto be really dead that must be glorious?

It is from the 1931 film, DRACULA, and it is said by Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula during the theater scene when Dracula meets Mina & Lucy.: Count Dracula: To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious! : Mina: Why, Count Dracula! : Count Dracula: There are far worse things awaiting man than death.

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Dracula's blood type is not specified in literature or folklore. The concept of blood types as we know them today was not understood during the time when the Dracula legend originated.

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Dracula died