

Best Answer

It's not what you's the point that you are there offering your support and condolinces....PRAY for them...

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Q: What to say to someone who has suffered two deaths in a year?
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How often does someone get killed on the road in the US?

Statistics say over forty thousand people are killed every year on US highways and there are 8736 hours in a year. This works out to four and a half deaths on average every hour.

What do you say when someone says 'Happy New Year'?

You can say, 'Thank you! And Happy New Year to you too!'when receiving a 'Happy New Year' wish from someone.

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Sadly to say this, but there was 5,000 people die of underage drinking annually from year to year.

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if someone has, lets say, 1.40, they have more kills than deaths (normally about 1.0 is more kills than deaths) if they have less than 1.0 its normally more deaths than kills

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There were 4,810 motorcycle deaths last year, and statisticly, Harleys account for over 50% of motorcycles on the road. So, IP would say, cause there has never been any study on this to say for sure, but educated guess would be between 1,924 and 2,886 deaths/year on Harleys. Ride safe!

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that he suffered

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What to say to someone you just met on a birthday card?

I hope you have a GREAT year!

What did President Carter say that America suffered from?

i dont know

How do you say I have suffered much in French?

J'ai beaucoup souffert.