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Q: What revelations were made by carter on investing king tut's coffins?
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Why was the teenage king tut important?

King Tut was important because when Howard Carter an Egyptologist found his tomb in 1922 Tut's tomb was never robbed. And when they entered the room with Tut's coffin, he was in a couple of coffins the one on top was made out of solid gold.

How many coffins is containing king tut's remains?

60 or 60million

What does the beard on Egyptian coffins stand for?

I believe the beard is used only on images of a king.

How was Howard carter's discovery?

he discovered the tomb of King Tut!

What was the name of the king that got discovered by Howard Carter?

Hi, Howard Carter discovered the Egyptian king, Tutankarmoon.

What nicknames did Benny Carter go by?

Benny Carter went by The King.

When did howard carter dicover King Tutankhamuns tomb?

Howard Carter dicovered King Tut on November 1st, 1922.

Who discovered King Tutankhamuns tomb in 1922?

King Tut was discovered by lord carnavon and Howard Carter in 1922

How many coffins was Tutankhamen's mummy placed in?

King Tutankhaten had 4 coffins. They were all made of wood, which was then heavily decorated on the outside with both paint and gold leaf. One of Tut's coffins was made partly of gold. That was the coffin that they put Tut in when he died. The head of that coffin was made of pure gold decorated with stones and colored glass.

What did Howard carter find?

a golden AnubisHoward carter found king tuts tomb

How many coffins do mummys get put in?

If you were a king you got buried in more than slaves, King Tut got buried in 8 along with 1,450 pairs of underwear.

Who discovers King Tutankhamun?

Howard Carter