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Emo? Emo's (some) try to make themselves die...

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Q: What is they name for some one who makes their self sick on purpose?
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What is the name of a disorder that makes you think your sick but your not so you look up different disorders?

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I don't think exercising makes you sick, maybe if you have asthma, but i DONT think it makes you sick. I hope this helped.

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Yes, disease makes you sick.

Does making your self throw up really cause weight loss?

No. Your body senses it has no food and stores the fat instead of burning it. Throwing up just makes you sick.

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Mononucleosis(mono) is a sickness that swells your spleen and makes you very tired. If you dont rest then you wont get better. You will just make your self more sick!

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it is poo

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"it makes moose sick"

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well any plants that they are not use to and also flu's and they can get sick by infections. There are may other reasons why dinosaurs get sick but sense they are not alive to day we don't exactly know what makes dinosaurs sick

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harpoons....makes em really sick