life's great question is what is the Ultimate truth? Answer of Hinduism by meditating and attaining highest goal of life.
the question is the answer you seek, in other words to seek for the answer is the answer to the question of 'what is life'. alternatively dont buy into cheap confusion.
how am I suppose to answer this question if I need the answer to the question
What is your question about animal life?
that is a stupied question get a life
The biggest mistake in my life is when i answer this question..
Most likely that question is: What is the meaning of life?
My Opinion -- Why does life exist. The deepest question on life means a question which touches the heart, liver and spleen of the phenomenon that is called life. Where life came from, how it is transferred exactly from being to being, what is the meaning of life, what is the purpose of life here, and where do we go after life have all been deep quesions that have been troubling mankind since its emergence. But the deepest and the most relevant question of all is the above one: Why Life?
How were your question it was nonsensical?
good question
Immediately, now that I have enriched your life by answering your question.