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Q: What is the most difficult death to recover from?
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By far the most difficult drug, or class of drug, to overcome are the Benzo's. Shorter lasting ones are the worst, yet even those with longer half-lives can take several months to years to recover from.

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It can depend on the material the purse is made from.

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The material that is most difficult to recycle is typically mixed-material products like tetra paks or certain types of plastics that contains various components that are difficult to separate and process. These materials often require specialized recycling facilities and technologies to effectively recover their components.

Can you can nevre recover from ana eating disorder?

That is not true. Though it is very difficult, many people are able to recover from their eating disorder.

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Most people recover fully from spontaneous pneumothorax

Did people recover once they caught the black death?

Almost no one lived after getting the Black Death.

What is death if life is paheli?

If LIFE is paheli, then DEATH is the most difficult, worst & never to use "Answer/ solution" to that Paheli. Death is a Black-hole where all such "pahelis like Life", ENDS.

What is the worst thing that can happen when you have chickenpox?

Death is the worst thing that can happen when you have chickenpox, but it is rare. Most patients recover completely from chickenpox with no long-term problems.

Something difficult to deal with?

There are a lot of things that are difficult to deal with, however most people would agree that the death of a loved one is one of the hardest experiences. Another difficult situation is a breakup or a divorce.

How long did it take for the European population to recover from the black death?

400 years

What was Nikola Tesla's most difficult time?

Historians agree that his mother death brought the hardest times to Nikola Tesla.

What word most nearly means not softening or giving in easily?

The word you are looking for is "resilient." Resilient means able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.