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Literally, "With their death they bury their parents' strife." Romeo and Juliet! :)

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Q: What is the meaning of the quote - doth with their death bury their parents strive?
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What is the meaning of the quote doth with their death bury their parents strive?

Literally, "With their death they bury their parents' strife." Romeo and Juliet! :)

Can quote be death in the story?

A quote can symbolize death in a story by foreshadowing impending danger or the end of a character's journey. It can also serve as a reminder of mortality and the transient nature of life. Additionally, a quote about death may evoke themes of loss, grief, or the passage of time within the narrative.

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That means to express the same meaning as the quote but rephrased in your own words.

What does the quote in the truest sense mean?

To provide an accurate interpretation of the quote, I would need to know the specific quote in question. If you provide me with the quote, I can help you understand its meaning.

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This quote by John F. Kennedy suggests that while it may be difficult to resolve our conflicts at the moment, we can still strive to create an environment where diversity is welcomed and valued. By promoting diversity, we can work towards a world where different perspectives and beliefs are respected, leading to a more inclusive and understanding society.

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What quote should you use for your NJHS Speech?

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." - Matthew 5:14. This quote can inspire NJHS members to strive for excellence, serve as role models, and make a positive impact in their community.

How is the meaning of Lee's quote reflected in Lee's decision?

You didn't provide the quote for us. We can't answer the question.