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I do not think that word (particulates) means what you think it means. Please check, and repost your question.

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Q: What is the death rate of people who take particulates?
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Why are there low death rates in Japan?

i think they have low death rate because there are many people that take care of their lives and eat veggies all their life or most.

How do you calculate death rate?

You take the total number of deaths and divide it by the total population, then times that by 100 and you will get the total death rate.

How did people take Michael Jackson's death?

some people did not take his death so well

How do you calculate crude death rate?

you take the population and divide it by 3.14

Why does LEDC's have a higher death rate than MEDC's?

because only downsydromes take LEDC'S

How do you determine a death rate?

There are formulas. Collecting all variables could take a lifetime. talk to a life insurance agent. They invest in people's lifespans routinely & have it down to a science.

If you take deep breaths after you smoke a cigarette will it clean your lungs?

No some of the smoke particulates will remain in your lungs forever.

What happens when either the birth rate or death rate increases in a population?

Usually yes, but you do have to take migration, immigration into account.

What does the unemployment rate take into consideration?

the number of people who are actively seeking jobs

What people do about stray dogs?

they take them to there death at the dogpound they always do it to pitbulls

How many years did the Black Death take to kill 25 million people?

It took five years for the black death to kill 25 million people.

How many years did it take to kill 25 million people in the black death?

Black Death killed 75 to 200 million people. It took 1346 to 1353.