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How long does it take to get smallpox?

That's my question! LOL about a month or so...

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13y ago
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11y ago

There isn't one. People of all ages can succumb to smallpox.

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When did Pocahontas die and was it from smallpox or some other disease?

There was a problem with her throat, but no smallpox

At what age did George Washington get smallpox?

George Washington was 20 years old when he got smallpox.

How old do you need to be to get smallpox's?

You can be any age.

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What is the average age of the smallpox?

Who cares! It is already dead bro. We don't know when smallpox started. We only know when its presence was first documented. It probably was around before that but in isolated areas where everyone (almost everyone) infected would die, limiting its spread. Once it reached congested European (and American) towns where people traveled frequently, it would spread. We believe smallpox has been eradicated, but you never know if there are carriers in remote places.

Did the Aztecs die of smallpox?

yes most of the Aztec died of smallpox which they got from spanish conquistadores.

What is the average age human beings die?

They die at an old age like 70 and up.

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How did Francis Folger die?

He died of smallpox.

Did johannes Kepler die of smallpox?

No, Johannes Kepler did not die of smallpox. He passed away in 1630 due to complications from a fever, possibly a result of an infection.

Did people who caught smallpox always die?

No. Prior to modern medicine smallpox killed about one third of its victims.