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Marg مرگ

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Q: What is the Farsi translation for death?
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What does herrick mean in farsi?

"Herrick" does not have a direct translation in Farsi. It is a name which would not have a specific meaning in Farsi.

Bakhwda farsi translation?

[I swear] to God.

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What is Farsi for cheeky?

zaboon deraaz is the closest translation for the term.

Can Wikianswers put a Farsi language category in translation section there is Arabic but not Farsi?

The Persian language and culture category is also used for translating Farsi.

What does the name Auzenne mean in farsi?

I am unable to find a specific meaning for the name "Auzenne" in Farsi. It is possible that it may not have a direct translation or meaning in Farsi.

What is the translation of Khoshgele?

khoshgele is the Farsi term for cutie.

Where can you translate Farsi?

You can translate Farsi using online tools like Google Translate, professional translation services, or language apps specifically designed for translating Farsi. Additionally, some web browsers offer built-in translation features for translating web pages from Farsi to other languages.

How do you install farsi translations to the quran read pen M-1000?

To install Farsi translations to the Quran Read Pen M-1000, you need to download the Farsi translation files in the compatible format specified by the pen's user manual. Connect the pen to your computer and transfer the downloaded Farsi files to the pen's designated storage location. Then, follow the pen's instructions to select and activate the Farsi translation for use.

Website for Farsi to English translation?


How does one translate a Google page into Farsi?

One of the most widely used Persian languages is Farsi. To translate a Google page into Farsi, you can use numerous translation websites on the Internet. Google Translate allows you to select the original language as well as the translation language. If you copy and paste your page, the program will translate into Farsi. You can also type an existing website and Google Translate will take you to the website and translate into the language selected.

What is Persian Bible called?

The Persian Bible is commonly known as the "Bibelen Farsi" or the "Farsi New Testament." It is a translation of the Bible into the Persian language (Farsi) and is used by Persian-speaking Christians and churches.