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Q: What is cause of death of brian rufenach?
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How did brian rufenach die in Switzerland?

Electrocution - came in contact with an overhead power line while climbing atop a parked train car. His first name is spelled Bryan*

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Brian Painchaud died on July 27, 1986, in Muncie, Indiana, USA.

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LOL Brian is not Dead, I'm a good friend, I was with him today 15th of november 2011.

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Clifford Leroy Rufenach has written: 'Radio scintillation observations in the ionosphere and interplanetary medium' -- subject(s): Interplanetary medium, Ionosphere, Radio astrophysics, Radio meteorology, Scintillation spectrometry

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We are saddened by this loss, but the cause of death was in fact cardiac arrest. Stress, lifestyle, and extreme high blood pressure were all related factors. Family history of high blood pressure stared in Brian at age 40.----

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No, smoking can not cause "Brian" cancer.

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Brian's Song

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When wondering what Brian Cells Company offers it my cause the enquirer some confusion as Brian's Brian is actually a cellular automation devised by Brian Silverman.

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Brian Clough died on September 20, 2004 at the age of 69.

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