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post-mortem, post-obit, post-obituary

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Q: What is another word for posthumous?
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In the word posthumous which syllable has the primary accent?

The first syllable of the word "posthumous" (i.e., "pos") is stressed.

What is a sentence using the word posthumous?

The posthumous award was given to the soldier's widow. In 1961, the late Dag Hammarskjold was honored with a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize.

What is a really good sentence for the word posthumous?

The meaning for posthumous is: Born after the death of a father, following or occuring a death. So, you can use posthumous in the following sentence:Example: My friend has only a mom, he was posthumous, its truley upsetting.

What is the word to honor a person after death?

posthumous- i.e. he was honored posthumously

What is the proper way to word a posthumous award?

To properly word a posthumous award, you can refer to the recipient as "late" followed by their name, then mention the specific award and the reason for it being posthumous. For example, "The late [Recipient's Name] is being awarded [Award Name] posthumously in recognition of their contributions to [Reason for the award]."

What is the word when someone dies and he receives an award?

I believe the word you're looking for is "posthumous" or "posthumously."

How do you use the word drab in the sentence?

A drab addition to the posthumous romantic comedy genre.

What is the meaning of posthumous?

Born after the death of the father, or taken from the dead body of the mother; as, a posthumous son or daughter., Published after the death of the author; as, posthumous works; a posthumous edition., Being or continuing after one's death; as, a posthumous reputation.

When was Posthumous Diary created?

Posthumous Diary was created in 2001.

What is the accented syllable in the word posthumous?

The accented syllable is the FIRST syllable (with a weak secondary accent on the last syllable). pos-chuh-muhs, or pos-choo-muhs

What does posthumous mean in Australian?

In Australian, as in English elsewhere, 'posthumous' means 'after death'.

When was Thomas Posthumous Hoby born?

Thomas Posthumous Hoby was born in 1566.