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When a life insurance policy is purchased, the purchaser (usually the insured) designates a primary beneficiary and a contingent beneficiary. The contingent beneficiary gets the proceeds if the primary beneficiary predeceases the insured. The insured can name a new primary beneficiary by contacting the insurance company or the insurance agent. THIS IS ONLY TRUE FOR PURCHASED LIFE POLICIES___ NOT POLICIES THROUGH AN EMPLOYER UNDER ERISA.

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Q: What if the beneficiary of a life insurance is deceased?
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Life insurance part of estate?

Life Insurance and EstatesNO, not if the named beneficiary is not deceased. The proceeds of a life insurance policy belong to the named beneficiary not to the deceased. It should not under any circumstances be included in the estate of a deceased or the probate process. If no beneficiary is named or if all beneficiaries are deceased then their is no alternative. When their is no named beneficiary then the value of the life insurance policy reverts to the insured and must then be included as part of the deceased estate

Is life insurance consideredpart of the estate?

If the insurance policy owner did not specify a beneficiary or the beneficiary is deceased, then the life insurance proceeds go to the insured's estate.

Is life insurance considered as the estate of the deceased?

only if there is no beneficiary named on the policy, or if the beneficiary(ies) deceased before the insured.

Is life insurance considered part of deceased persons estate when money is owed to loan companys?

If the life insurance has a named beneficiary then life insurance benefits are not subject to debtors claims. If there is no beneficiary or the "estate" of the deceased is the named beneficiary, then loan companies can come after the estate.

What is a deceased beneficiary?

A 'deceased beneficiary' is the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a 'payable on death' bank account who predeceased the insured or the account owner. A 'deceased beneficiary' could also be a beneficiary named in a will who predeceased the testator or who died during the probate of the estate.

What happens to the proceeds of a life insurance policy if there is not a named beneficiary?

The life insurance benefit will be paid to the deceased's estate.

Who receives the money from life insurance if the beneficiary is deceased the insured or the heirs?

The contingent beneficiary, if one was named.

What if no beneficiary is named on a life insurance policy and they have a spouse what happens?

If an insured has a policy where there is no named beneficiary, or the named beneficiary is deceased, then the benefit will be paid to the insured's estate.

How can a person be a beneficiary of a life insurance policy if the spouse of the deceased is still alive?

In rare cases, a person will make a close friend or relative the beneficiary of their life insurance policy instead of their spouse.

What happens if the beneficiary of a life insurance policy is deceased?

Generally, if the beneficiary is deceased, the proceeds go to the contingent beneficiary, or if none, to the estate of the insured. An attorney must be consulted to direct you on how to handle this in your state. It depends on whether the beneficiary predeceased the insured. If the beneficiary died before the insured then the proceeds go the the contingent beneficiary. If there is not a contingent, check the contract, it probably is paid to the Owner of the Estate of the Insured. If the Beneficiary died after the Insured, the proceeds go to the Beneficiary's Estate. It is important to have a contingent beneficiary specified in your life insurance policy. This way, if the beneficiary passes away, the contingent beneficiary will benefit. If there is no contingent beneficiary, and the beneficiary has deceased, the proceeds of the life insurance policy, go to the estate and is distributed according to the Will.

What is a decease?

A 'deceased beneficiary' is the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a 'payable on death' bank account who predeceased the insured or the account owner. A 'deceased beneficiary' could also be a beneficiary named in a will who predeceased the testator or who died during the probate of the estate.

What if there is no will or beneficiary on a life insurance policy of the deceased?

The policy proceeds will become part of the decedent's estate.